Friday, October 8, 2010

And So It Begins...

Today is October 8th and believe it or not I’m ahead of the game…or at least compared to last year.

The light at the end of the tunnel is visible although I’ve got to implement some serious time management skills.

Yesterday I managed to get some items pulled from the garage and organized such as columns, fence, shovels, barrel, etc.

The rafters of the garage are still packed with supports, crates and other things needed for the display.

My list of props that need to be built is winding down, the only things left are five more pumpkins and three bodies for some new characters that will be this year’s centerpiece.

The miscellaneous stuff is the thing that always gets me.

Still to do:

  1. Make several hundred feet of barbed wire.
  2. Create two new scythe blades.
  3. Repair a few props that have been damaged in storage.
  4. Repaint six props that are desperately in need of a fresh coat.
  5. Run a lighting and audio check so I can replace some broken equipment.
  6. Try to find some more apple crates.

Hopefully next week will be productive and I can get these things accomplished.

The goal is to relax the last two weeks of October.

A lovely thought.


  1. I hear ya! Good luck with your set up!


  2. I love those pillars!!! Can I ask how you made them?

  3. There is a column building post from November 2009...all the info here.
