Thursday, October 21, 2010

WTH-Three Pelvises

So I’m really pushing the deadline this year for Halloween decorations…our yard display goes up next week and I’m still working on three bodies for my Warden characters.

Typically I just build the ribcage, forearms and hands…everything else is cloaked in fabric but for The Wardens I don’t want the fabric, I want you to be able to see the entire skeletal structure.

After laying out the head, chest, arms and hands it really became apparent that these guys needed some additional vertebrae and pelvis…they will be standing behind crates and pumpkins so legs really are not necessary.

The last thing I needed at this point was to construct three more things…but if you are going to do it then at least do it right.

Three stylized pelvises to go along with the stylized rib cages.

When completed the creatures should stand about seven feet tall.

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