Just got word that both of my papier mache pumpkin classes have filled to capacity at Space Studios. Guess a lot of folks want to make pumpkins this year.The evenings of October 17th, 18th, 19th and October 24th, 25th, 26th will be filled with papier mache making fun.
My last class was a ton of fun, I can't wait to see what the new students come up with...pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere!
Swamps are facinating...dense, filled with life but at the same time ominous and filled with death. These photos were taken at The Chippewa Nature Centerin Midland, MI during a summer hike.
The photos strike a chord with me, the colors, the textures, the light...something evil is lurking beneath those waters.
Completed three new papier mache spiders for the 2008 display. Need to do some modifications of the paint such as toning down the white drybrush and adding red to the eyes.
The spiders were created with plastic grocery bags, water bottles, wire, newspaper, cardboard and broom bristles.
Simply input words like demon, fear, death, torture, etc and you will get numerous Latin variations..pick the best sounding or looking word and put it on your tombstone. Roman numerals also look great on tombstones, especially the year you built the tombstone.