In 2005 I was given a very special present from my oldest son for Father’s Day. The gift was a 12”x9” spiral bound sketch diary filled with 30 different drawings of monsters and mayhem. The book was appropriately titled “Dad’s Monster Book.”It is so very easy to dismiss a child’s piece of artwork but if you stop for a moment and take a close look you will discover so many wonderful ideas that our adult brains couldn’t even start to conceive. A child’s interpretation of the world is fascinating and very telling. Not sure I want to know what “Dad’s Monster Book” says about my son or me for that matter.Drawing monsters is nothing new to my boys, since they could first hold a crayon I’ve been deluged with drawings of skeletons, bats and graveyards. Am I proud? Hell yes!
Huge props are impressive and animatronics are awesome but one of my favorite things about Halloween is little kids in costumes. Sadly I don’t have a single photo of myself or my brother from Halloween during our childhood. My parents took a fair amount of photos it just seems they never got the camera out on what would become my favorite holiday.So here I go again with another of my “browsing thru old photograph posts” and proudly present some of my favorite pictures of my boys from Halloween.
I have always loved this photo. This is the original photo, no photoshop effects added. While shooting photos of our 2006 display I neglected to lock the tilt on the tripod head and during a long exposure the camera tilted down resulting in these eerie looking green streaks. File this one under "happy accident."
Stumbled across some older photos showing detailed views of the templates, jaw and teeth methods used in constructing papier mache skulls. The photos are from various projects in 2004 and may be helpful when used in conjuction with the tutorials posted on construction photos can be viewed here.
Miscellaneous pumpkin pictures from the years. Orange is the new black!