Happy New Year!
Welcome to the year 2011 and time to get busy making your new arsenal of ghoulish creations.
If you are like me and live in a colder climate you may find it hard to find the motivation to work on Halloween props when temperatures hover below the freezing point and the snow shovel becomes your best friend. Don’t give up, there are a number of ways to get your mojo back and one of the easiest and most effective is to listen to an episode of Hauntcast.
What is Hauntcast?
Hauntcast is a monthly radio podcast brought to you by Chris Baker and his band of merry minions. Imagine a show that gives you a ton of great haunting information all wrapped up in an abundance of gooey R rated humor.
Each month Hauntcast features information on movies, concepts, props and advice that specifically relate to the home haunter. In addition they feature an in-depth interview with well known haunters. Trust me when I say you will learn something from every show and be motivated to boot.
Hauntcast recently moved to a pay per listen format with each episode costing one buck per show and I have to say that one dollar for two hours of information is a bargain no matter how you look at it. Heck you could buy four shows for the cost of one venti double shot mocha at Starbucks.
If you are a fan of Hauntcast please support the pay per listen format and if you’ve never checked it out then give it a taste.
Hauntcast is a great benefit to the home haunting community and supporting the hard work will help keep it around for many haunting seasons to come.
P.S. If you dig through the archives and go way back to episode #4 you can listen to an episode featuring yours truly…quivering voice and all.
Thanks for the scream out and support!!
No problem...love the show!
That was a great post and I don't think anyone could say it better.....I personally would subscribe just because you were on episode 4 :)
Thanks for supporting the Haunt community!!
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