By now Face Off is old news and most everybody that is into Halloween, make-up and special effects has watched the show and drawn their own conclusions.
Personally I enjoy the show, the challenges are fun and a few of the contestants are showcasing some impressive talent.
So what’s left to talk about?
While tuned into last week's episode I realized that while watching this show I play along and mentally develop my own concepts for each challenge. This is nothing new, I do the same thing if I watch Project Runway or Top Chef, it’s a fun little game and something that will sharpen your own skills.
When the challenge is announced I immediately formulate my own concept. I don’t sketch it out or anything I just mentally picture what I would do given the same situation.
Last week's episode challenged the contestants to design their own movie villain complete with a back story, movie title, movie poster design and tag line.
Pretty cool challenge.
During the five or so minutes while the contestants scrambled to come up with their ideas I developed my own entry.
My concept for the last challenge was:
Title: The Conductor
Story: In the late 1800’s a railroad conductor was involved in a fatal accident involving a steam locomotive. Today the phantom form of the slain conductor can be found wandering the tracks in the vicinity of the accident. A phantom locomotive has also been reported in the area.
Character: The main character is the charred remains of the conductor, flesh burnt from face and body. Dressed in his rotting uniform the conductor roams the scene of his demise seeking the descendents of those responsible for his death.
Poster: The conductor is posed in front of a spectral steam engine carrying a large set of rusted tie tongs that he uses to dispatch his victims.
Tag: “All Aboard…To Hell!” or “One Track To Terror!”
The next time you watch Face Off give this little exercise a shot, it’s fun and you just might come up with something you can use for your own haunt.
So what is your concept for a new movie villain?
Face Off airs on Syfy on Wednesdays 10/9 c
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