Monday, December 13, 2010
More Sideshow Toys
I love bobbleheads…I know that they are silly but over the years I’ve come across some very cool horror/fantasy bobbleheads.
The first set is from Sideshow Toys made in 1999, a collection of Universal Studios Monsters and Herman and Grandpa
These are really beautiful pieces featuring wonderful detail and paint.
The second set is from a company called Adam’s Apple Creations and feature a variety of skulls and fantasy characters.
Again these are beautifully painted and sculpted…they may be silly but they are a great source of inspiration.
Sunday, December 12, 2010

FREE SHIPPING until December 15th, 2010 on all items in my Etsy store.
This offer is good for U.S. and Canadian residents only.
Happy Holidays!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
C.R.A.P. Files 005
Next in the bins of “Collectibles Retained and Packed” (C.R.A.P.) are those little hanging ghosts and skeletons you find everywhere during the month of October.
These guys can be found in K-mart, Dollar Stores, Walgreens and just about everywhere that sells Halloween merchandise, they come with elastic string so you can hang them…not sure where you hang them but they are ”hangable.”
Some are really cheap and awful and some are pretty well designed.
Not sure why I like these other than the fact that they are inexpensive and readily available.
Halloween wouldn’t be Halloween without cheap plastic C.R.A.P. hanging around.
Mediocre crap but I still like.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
C .R.A.P. Files 004
Seeing it’s now cold outside I thought it would be a good time to resume rummaging through my many bins of “Collectibles Retained and Packed” or CRAP and see what I could find.
This first thing out of the bin was 16 McDonald’s Happy Meal toys called Stretch Screamers released October 3 through the 30th in 2003.
According to an online source there were originally eight different monsters available although two were recalled.
The monsters featured mechanical sound, light, liquid or rotating movement. These were pretty cool for Happy Meal toys.
My personal favorite is the mummy which changed faces when the arm was pulled and the mad scientist sporting a squishy expanding brain.
This is good crap.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Etsy Skulls

Etsy Pumpkins

Friday, November 12, 2010
Missed Again
Since 1992 we have made it a tradition to take a family photo in front of our Halloween decorations.
Last year we completely forgot and this year didn’t remember until about five minutes before it was shut down for the season.
The result as you will see is a crappy cell phone photo.
In years past we typically try for the “golden hour” photo…those moments before the sun sets and everything is warm and washed in golden light.
Something like this:

This year is the “grainy hour”….those moments when the cell phone flash goes off and everything is craptastic and washed out from the flash.
Something like this: