Thursday, September 30, 2010

Timing Is Everything

Tomorrow is October 1st, a really, really bad time to get sick…but as luck would have it I developed a nasty cold that really dragging me down.

My to-do list is a mile long, I’ve got the time, the supplies, the money but this cold has robbed me of most of my energy.

This evening I did find time to pack up NOCTURNUS, my spider for the Davis Graveyard, he’s off to UPS tomorrow.

The spider was painted last weekend but still needed to give it a good coat of sealant and I also decided to reduce the brightness of the white highlights so now it is darker, more in line with the name NOCTURNUS.

My youngest son also snapped a few pictures for me to show the size of the spider.


Hope said...

it must be that time of yeaar. we have all had a cold here. it really mkes you not want to bo one bloody thing. hope you are feeling better soon!

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Holy crap!!! That is the scariest thing I have ever seen....I am so not opening any packages that come to the way!

I wonder how fast I can pack up and move! :D

Very, very cool! Thank you SOOOOO much!



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