My previous post touched on my fondness for the science fiction/horror genre, I love science fiction and I love horror so when you combine the two you are going to get something great right?
Sort of like a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup.
On this blog I’ve rambled about some of my favorite films and favorite books which leads me to another genre, the film companion book.
I love these things whether they are movie novels or “making of” books.
Big or small I have gotten quite a collection over the years starting with the movie ALIEN.
A few weeks after seeing ALIEN in the theater I bought what would be the first of many film related books.
Here are “The Book of ALIEN” and the “ALIEN Movie Novel” both from 1979 and both are well worn from hours of staring at each still and production photo.
Back in 1979 there was no instant gratification in terms of films, I mean once you saw the film that was it, you couldn’t search the internet, pop in a DVD or browse Netflix.
These books were the only way to revisit the movie short of seeing it again in the theater and a movie such as ALIEN is always a good place to visit.